Tuesday, 25 November 2008

very short update

okay, i just finished my Indonesian assignment. And, this is going to be a very short update. I just wanna tell you guys that:
- I am still alive
- I still run this blog
- and I will link you and visit your blogs.

but right now, i need to lay down cause my head is spinning and I can't wait till 12th december. okok?

now, I'm done!


Monday, 10 November 2008


Greeting from Unsri :)
haha. I'm in the library right now, finishing my assignment. Got another midtest on 12.30 and I haven't study anything. I spent my whole night, painting for nia's birthday card. And it turned out so weird. I kinda miss painting. I should paint more often now.

I'm planning to buy some painting books, you know, those books with instructions how to paint and stuff. lol.


Yesterday, I had this short coversation with a friend about us being grown ups. We were talking how weird to be called a grown up, while we think that we're still a child. When people called us 'adult' or 'grown up', I only take it as a phrase. I never take it seriously. But then, when I think about it again, it means something! Well, beside you have an ID card, it means that you're a part of the society and your thoughts are needed.

"perasaan yang berkembang cuma pelajarannya, bukan kita"

That's what she said. Weird. But I feel the same way too. Maybe, we change, but we can't feel it. People around us can. Next year, I turn 18. And getting older freaks me out, people does get older. But it's weird how, we change and develop. I don't wanna live my childhood, my teenage life. But this is life and time goes. You got to face it.

But, why do I feel I'm not ready to be a grown up and getting old?

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Saturday, 8 November 2008

another daily post

Microeconomics mid exam wasn't as bad as Intro to business. I'm pretty sure with my answers though I write everything that popped up in my mind. And until Tuesday, mid exam is going to be my only reason why I come to the campus.

ahh, I wanna go back to senior high. Every time I pass my school there's this feeling coming out, the filling of emptiness. I miss being in school. High school does never end!

I'm going to do the tag replies soon, okayokay? so wait for me in your blog :)

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Friday, 7 November 2008

pecah utak

"Introduction to business mid exam is omg so not important"


Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Tadi pagi waktu di bis, saya ngeliat naya belajar kimia. Dia lagi belajar tentang larutan. Ada perasaan rindu akan belajar IPA waktu ngeliat dia belajar. Bukan berarti taun dpn saya mau ikut SPMB IPA -ohh, tentu tidak- tp, kangen aja sama hal-hal yang berbau IPA.

Cuma hari kamis saya bisa ngelepas rindu sama pelajaran IPA, secara saya ada matakuliah matematika ekonomi. Tapi, masih aja rindu (yee, mmng susah). Rindu alat-alat lab, rindu larutan2 bau, rindu smuanya. Ehh, pas balik, ketemu sama guru kimia kelas 3 dulu. What a coincidence!

Tadi, mid matek! g belajar sama sekali. Dikirain mindy minggu depan! huff.
Makanya belajar tiap hari! kebiasaan SMA jgn dibawa2 kuliah!


Tuesday, 4 November 2008


Dosen IKD: Jadi 9 planet di tata surya adalah..
Mahasiswa: Merkurius, venus, bumi, mars, jupiter, saturnus....
Gerombolan cowok di belakang saya: Merkurius, venus, bumi, mars, jupiter, yamaha, revo, mio
Saya: huaaaaaaahhahahauahhaahhaha

Betapa mudahnya saya ketawa :)
I know it's not that funny but I love to laugh my head off.

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Monday, 3 November 2008

another monday

I just love monday. I know it's like the opposite from my url, but I just love it, okay?

I love how people have to wake up early in the morning after their weekends, I love how the school kids prepare their flag ceremony, and I love to see that funny dude in the morning even though only a glance and having a short conversation about nothing. I love monday's atmosphere.

And today, I have my monday. Happiness and jealousy mingled into one.

I wish, I have the wrong thought about you.

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Sunday, 2 November 2008


Really I don't know what is the best title for this post.

I've been having this really bad days this week and I don't know who's the one I should blame. I think it's my fault.

Mid exams are just around the corner, hopefully I can do good this semester as the new student. This economics stuff just lost me, but I know I'll catch up pretty soon. Assignments won't stop pouring and I'm getting used to it. This college atmosphere is so cool even though I get sick on how far the campus is.

Adapting, yes, I'm doing that.

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