Thursday, 23 October 2008


It fades. Less than a week.


I should be angry. I forced myself to woke up early this morning evethough it was raining and felt good in bed, I forced myself to go to campus. For my education's sake.

I was in the bus stop, thinking should I go to the campus? and half of me agreed. So I went. And there was heavy rain, some people in my bus got wet.

8.00 am, I arrived and went to the class straight away. It was raining.
8.30 am, the class supposed to start but no lecturer and still raining.
9.00 am, no lecturer's entering the class and the rain wont stop pouring down.
10.00 am, people busy with their own stuff and the rain got heavier.
11.00 am, moved to another class and was still raining.

They studied and I decided to went home. I wasted my precious time and money for nothing.

Oh crap! I need money.

And the rain keep pouring down.
"...seperti pelangi menunggu hujan reda..."

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Monday, 20 October 2008


No, today isn't a shocker day as Francesca would say. But it's a 'wow' day. wth. The thing is I'm happy. That's it.

a minuet of talk gets me smiling for the whole day. Isn't that wonderful?
I can't wait for next week. Hope the feeling won't go away :)

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Friday, 17 October 2008


Memang dari dulu saya paling suka edit sana edit sini, pindah sana pindah sini. Alasannya sih cuma satu: pengen cari sesuatu yang beda. Tapi akhirnya masih gitu-gitu aja. Tadinya pengen pindah blog (lagi?) tapi, kasian yang sudah nge-link, harus ngubah link saya. Tadinya juga mau delete beberapa atau hampir semua postingan yang ada di blog ini tapi sayang rasanya, walaupun postingannya gak penting tapi itu memori.

Sama seperti hidup ini, beberapa waktu saya pengen dilahirin kembali jadi bayi lagi, jadi kertas putih lagi. Saya percaya kalau Idul Fitri kita kembali jadi suci, tapi itu hanya untuk sebagian orang; orang-orang yang benar-benar ngerjain puasanya, ibadahnya, dan semuanya dengan ikhlas. Saya? masih suka naik- turun.

Ada hal-hal dalam diri saya yang masih kurang, masih banyak sifat-sifat jahat yang menggrogoti tubuh saya.

Saya itu:

gampang marah
suka iri
pendiam gak jelas
plin plan
mudah nangis
mudah tersinggung
susah adaptasi
rendah diri
tidak kritis

Masih banyak hal-hal negative yang belum saya tulis diatas. Tapi satu hal, saya optimis! walaupun dari luar kelihatan pesimis tapi saya tahu, di dalam segumpal daging yang disebut hati ini saya percaya saya bisa. Ketika orang-orang sudah pesimis, saya tahu keajaiban ada. Maka dari itu saya ingin berubah, walaupun sedikit demi sedikit toh itu bakal jadi bukit :)

Saatnya berubah :)


Tuesday, 14 October 2008

balada hari selasa

Hari ini cuma ada 1 matakuliah itu pun MPK (=.=) dosennya pun abstrak (?) Dari rumah jam setengah 10, minggu kemaren pergi lebih telat dari itu dpt busnya mudah. Tapiiiiiii taukah anda apa yang terjadi? nunggu 1 jam di halte. OMG! untungnya ketemu sm dini bisa barengan. Mahasiswa di halte sudah numpuk 1 bus pasti g bisa namoung mahasiswa sebanyak itu, BERARTI: REBUTAN! NO! apalagi banyak cowok. FYI, cowok klo sudah rebutan naudzubillah deh cewek sampe didorong2. Jadi, waktu bus datang, semua orang lari ke pintu saya yang agak telat larinya otomatis g dapet dong? untungnya ada jendela yang kebuka, tas dilempar ke dlm itu pun sedulu2an dgn mas-mas yang di blkg hhha :D untungnya dpt tempat duduk :)

Yaaa itu lah sekelumit cerita saya semenjak kuliah di Unsri. Ga pulang ga pergi selalu rebutan, gak selalu sii tapi biasanya begitu. Tadi pulangnya juga rebutan :) Tapi itu laah I love Layo no matter what. Kata orang sih ya anak2 yang kuliah di Layo lebih semangat drpd yang kuliah di bukit (ekstension kuliah di bukit). Ya iya lah, kita yang di layo kan harus berjuang nyari bis, kuliah jauh2 di tengah pedesaan yang aksesnya masih terbatas. Kalo g ada dosen mw pergi kmn coba? mall g ada, palingan perpus atau kantin hha. OMG! tp itu juga kadang yang ngebuat layo spesial (appa coba?)


Indonesia kok tambah ancur ya?

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Saturday, 11 October 2008

daily rant

I called Ala last night and this is what happened

me (m): hey ala!
ala (a): who's this?
m: it's fida
a: OMG!
m: how's u?
a: i'm great! u?
m: i'm great too. i'm so bored


when i checked my credits, it finished! only Rp. 77 left T________T

yo Ala! i miss you, miss my another cows too. OMG! i got nothing else to post. My life is so boring right now. wtf.


Friday, 10 October 2008

another useless post

I told you I'm lost in economics! today's the prove. I really want to participate but I was so lost. I understand what they're saying then I'm lost again. wth! I need to study more.

I miss them bad ♥

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Thursday, 9 October 2008

monotone, and it's boring

So hey!
6th October, went to the campus early in the morning and found out no lecturers came! I hate it. It was so tiring after all the Ied stuff and you got to go to campus and found out there's no lecturers. My campus is in the middle of villages D:

What now? got assignments, and I'm so lost in economics. Why didn't i choose social in the senior high? ._____. Tomorrow got intro to business and this time I hope the lecturer doesn't come. I need a holiday!

I'm so lost! please someone find me.

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Sunday, 5 October 2008


Besok kuliah =.=
kembali kehutan NOOO!!!


Wednesday, 1 October 2008

molly eats lolly

OMG! I found that picture in Naya's friendster. Hhha. I remember when we took this picture, we were like "let's act like ghost" but it turned out like this. So lame. We were in yr 12 back then, fist semester. I miss this moment.


I don't know why it turns like this. One message could actually brighten up your dull day? Oh God! he sent those messages to everyone yet I felt I'm special. Isn't that lame? I thought, I've forgotten, I haven't. Dude, i miss you.

I need to go out.

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